To get the 7D accessories for this holy week celebration, log in on April 6, 2023.






You can only claim the rewards within 24 hours via Event Inventory. If you failed to get it within the claiming period you won’t be able to use these accessories.

Get 10 pcs of Holy Water for 50 FG

  • Critical Elixir (Lv. 3)
  • Defense Elixir (Lv. 3)
  • Extreme Holy Water (15 min)
  • Heroic Holy Water (15 min.)
  • Holy Water of Critical Strike (15 min)
  • Holy Water of Fighter (15 min)
  • Holy Water of Resistance (15min)
  • Holy Water of Sage (15 min)


You can purchase these potions once a day from April 6 to 10, 2023 ONLY


April 6-12, 2023

Item Name


Slot 1

Slot 2

Slot 3



[Force Wing Costume] Black Wing HP+300 Account 7 Days
[Costume] Cherry Blossom Wing – Force Wing Critical DMG+11% Account 7 Days
[Costume] Liberty Guardian Wings – wing All Skill Amp. UP+6% Account 7 Days
[Force Wing Costume] Star Fly Wing(Emerald) All Attack UP+60 Account 7 Days
[Force Wing Costume] Star Fly Wing(Yellow) Ignore Damage Reduction+80 Account 7 Days
[Force Wing Costume] Star Fly Wing(Blue) Add Damage+60 Account 7 Days
[Force Wing Costume] Tentacle Machine Wing Normal Attack DMG UP+14% Account 7 Days
[Force Wing Costume] Poison Edge Wing Critical DMG+11% Account 7 Days
[Force Wing Costume] Gold Guardian Wing All Skill Amp. UP+6% Account 7 Days
[Force Wing Costume] Mischievous Ghost Wing All Attack UP+60 Account 7 Days
[Force Wing Costume] Aquarium Wing Defense+60 Account 7 Days
[Force Wing Costume] Gold Champion Wing HP+300 Account 7 Days
[Costume] Porta Lord Wing – Force Wing Ignore Damage Reduction+80 Account 7 Days
[Costume] Mutant Lord Wing – Force Wing Add Damage+60 Account 7 Days
[Costume] Frozen Gear Wing – Force Wing Normal Attack DMG UP+14% Account 7 Days
[Force Wing Costume] – Evil Succube Wing Critical DMG+11% Account 7 Days
[Force Wing Costume] Golden Rose Wing All Skill Amp. UP+6% Account 7 Days
[Force Wing Costume] – Mechanic Wing All Attack UP+60 Account 7 Days
[Force Wing Costume] – Fairy Wing Defense+60 Account 7 Days
[Costume] Cherry Blossom Wing – Force Wing Critical DMG+11% Critical DMG+3% Critical DMG+3% Account 14 Days
[Costume] Liberty Guardian Wings – wing All Skill Amp. UP+6% All Skill Amp. UP+1% All Skill Amp. UP+1% Account 14 Days
[Force Wing Costume] Star Fly Wing(Emerald) All Attack UP+60 Penetration+15 Penetration+15 Account 14 Days
[Force Wing Costume] Star Fly Wing(Yellow) Ignore Damage Reduction+80 Ignore Damage Reduction+20 Ignore Damage Reduction+20 Account 14 Days
[Force Wing Costume] Star Fly Wing(Blue) Add Damage+60 Add Damage+1 Add Damage+1 Account 14 Days
[Force Wing Costume] Tentacle Machine Wing Normal Attack DMG UP+14% Normal Attack DMG UP+1% Normal Attack DMG UP+1% Account 14 Days
[Force Wing Costume] Poison Edge Wing Critical DMG+11% Critical DMG+3% Critical DMG+3% Account 14 Days
[Force Wing Costume] Gold Guardian Wing All Skill Amp. UP+6% Magic Skill Amp. +2% Magic Skill Amp. +2% Account 14 Days
[Force Wing Costume] Mischievous Ghost Wing All Attack UP+60 All Attack UP+1 All Attack UP+1 Account 14 Days
[Force Wing Costume] Aquarium Wing Defense+60 Defense+30 Defense+30 Account 14 Days
[Force Wing Costume] Gold Champion Wing HP+300 HP+200 HP+200 Account 14 Days
[Costume] Porta Lord Wing – Force Wing Ignore Damage Reduction+80 Ignore Damage Reduction+20 Ignore Damage Reduction+20 Account 14 Days
[Costume] Mutant Lord Wing – Force Wing Add Damage+60 Add Damage+1 Add Damage+1 Account 14 Days
[Costume] Frozen Gear Wing – Force Wing Normal Attack DMG UP+14% Normal Attack DMG UP+1% Normal Attack DMG UP+1% Account 14 Days
[Force Wing Costume] – Evil Succube Wing Critical DMG+11% Critical DMG+3% Critical DMG+3% Account 14 Days
[Force Wing Costume] Golden Rose Wing All Skill Amp. UP+6% Sword Skill Amp. +2% Sword Skill Amp. +2% Account 14 Days
[Force Wing Costume] – Mechanic Wing All Attack UP+60 All Attack UP+1 All Attack UP+1 Account 14 Days
[Force Wing Costume] – Fairy Wing Defense+60 Defense+30 Defense+30 Account 14 Days
[Force Wing Costume] Black Wing HP+300 HP+200 HP+200 Account 14 Days
[Costume] Cherry Blossom Wing – Force Wing Critical DMG+11% Critical DMG+3% Critical DMG+3% Critical DMG+3% Account 30 Days
[Costume] Liberty Guardian Wings – wing All Skill Amp. UP+6% All Skill Amp. UP+1% All Skill Amp. UP+1% All Skill Amp. UP+1% Account 30 Days
[Force Wing Costume] Star Fly Wing(Emerald) All Attack UP+60 Penetration+15 Penetration+15 Penetration+15 Account 30 Days
[Force Wing Costume] Star Fly Wing(Yellow) Ignore Damage Reduction+80 Ignore Damage Reduction+20 Ignore Damage Reduction+20 Ignore Damage Reduction+20 Account 30 Days
[Force Wing Costume] Star Fly Wing(Blue) Add Damage+60 Add Damage+1 Add Damage+1 Add Damage+1 Account 30 Days
[Force Wing Costume] Tentacle Machine Wing Normal Attack DMG UP+14% Normal Attack DMG UP+1% Normal Attack DMG UP+1% Normal Attack DMG UP+1% Account 30 Days
[Force Wing Costume] Poison Edge Wing Critical DMG+11% Critical DMG+3% Critical DMG+3% Critical DMG+3% Account 30 Days
[Force Wing Costume] Gold Guardian Wing All Skill Amp. UP+6% Magic Skill Amp. +2% Magic Skill Amp. +2% Magic Skill Amp. +2% Account 30 Days
[Force Wing Costume] Mischievous Ghost Wing All Attack UP+60 All Attack UP+1 All Attack UP+1 All Attack UP+1 Account 30 Days
[Force Wing Costume] Aquarium Wing Defense+60 Defense+30 Defense+30 Defense+30 Account 30 Days
[Force Wing Costume] Gold Champion Wing HP+300 HP+200 HP+200 HP+200 Account 30 Days
[Costume] Porta Lord Wing – Force Wing Ignore Damage Reduction+80 Ignore Damage Reduction+20 Ignore Damage Reduction+20 Ignore Damage Reduction+20 Account 30 Days
[Costume] Mutant Lord Wing – Force Wing Add Damage+60 Add Damage+1 Add Damage+1 Add Damage+1 Account 30 Days
[Costume] Frozen Gear Wing – Force Wing Normal Attack DMG UP+14% Normal Attack DMG UP+1% Normal Attack DMG UP+1% Normal Attack DMG UP+1% Account 30 Days
[Force Wing Costume] – Evil Succube Wing Critical DMG+11% Critical DMG+3% Critical DMG+3% Critical DMG+3% Account 30 Days
[Force Wing Costume] Golden Rose Wing All Skill Amp. UP+6% Sword Skill Amp. +2% Sword Skill Amp. +2% Sword Skill Amp. +2% Account 30 Days
[Force Wing Costume] – Mechanic Wing All Attack UP+60 All Attack UP+1 All Attack UP+1 All Attack UP+1 Account 30 Days
[Force Wing Costume] – Fairy Wing Defense+60 Defense+30 Defense+30 Defense+30 Account 30 Days
[Force Wing Costume] Black Wing HP+300 HP+200 HP+200 HP+200 Account 30 Days
[Force Wing Costume] – Evil Succube Wing Account
[Force Wing Costume] Golden Rose Wing Account
[Force Wing Costume] – Mechanic Wing Account
[Force Wing Costume] – Fairy Wing Account
[Force Wing Costume] Black Wing Account
[Costume] Porta Lord Wing – Force Wing Account
[Costume] Mutant Lord Wing – Force Wing Account
[Costume] Frozen Gear Wing – Force Wing Account
[Force Wing Costume] Star Fly Wing(Emerald) Account
[Force Wing Costume] Star Fly Wing(Yellow) Account
[Force Wing Costume] Star Fly Wing(Blue) Account
[Force Wing Costume] Tentacle Machine Wing Account
[Force Wing Costume] Poison Edge Wing Account
[Force Wing Costume] Gold Guardian Wing Account
[Force Wing Costume] Mischievous Ghost Wing Account
[Force Wing Costume] Aquarium Wing Account
[Force Wing Costume] Gold Champion Wing Account
[Costume] Cherry Blossom Wing – Force Wing Account
[Costume] Liberty Guardian Wings – wing Account