• Event Period

    • August 31 to September 27, 2023 ONLY (11:59 PM ONLY)
  • Rewards



  • Event Period

    • August 31 to September 30, 2023 ONLY (11:59 PM ONLY)
  • SHOP

 Required Costume Token 

Item Name

Costume Category


1 Halloween – Pumpkin Helmet Head Costume Account Bind
1 Antler Head Costume Account Bind
1 Red Nose Head Costume Account Bind
1 Winter Cap Head Costume Account Bind
1 Skeleton Mask Head Costume Account Bind
1 Sandy Dust Mask Head Costume Account Bind
1 Afro Hair Head Costume Account Bind
1 Bamboo Hat Head Costume Account Bind
1 Top Hat Head Costume Account Bind
1 Rococo Hairstyle Head Costume Account Bind
2 Santa Coat Costume Account Bind
2 Cutie Santa Coat Costume Account Bind
2 Suit of Wealthy’s Party Costume Account Bind
2 Suit of Vampire Costume Account Bind
2 Suit of Freed Costume Account Bind
2 Suit of Rin Costume Account Bind
2 Suit of Skaild Costume Account Bind
2 Suit of Mystic Blade Costume Account Bind
2 Suit of Yuan Costume Account Bind
2 Halloween Dress Costume Account Bind
2 Japanese Gala Dress Costume Account Bind
2 Chinese Gala Dress Costume Account Bind
2 Korean Gala Dress Costume Account Bind
2 Goguryeo Dress Costume Account Bind
2 Love Dad Yellow Shirt Costume Account Bind
2 Water Elemental Dress Costume Account Bind
2 Legend of Yellow Suit Costume Account Bind
2 Secret Agent Suit Costume Account Bind
2 The Sage Tower Apprentice Suit Costume Account Bind
2 Charisma Pan Costume Account Bind
3 [Force Wing Costume] Black Wing Wing Costume Account Bind
3 [Force Wing Costume] – Fairy Wing Wing Costume Account Bind
3 [Force Wing Costume] – Mechanic Wing Wing Costume Account Bind
5 [Force Wing Costume] Golden Rose Wing Wing Costume Account Bind
4 [Vehicle Costume] Santa’s Christmas Sleigh Vehicle Costume Account Bind
4 [Vehicle Costume] Flaming Bike (Red Flare) Vehicle Costume Account Bind
4 [Vehicle Costume] Flaming Bike (Blue Flare) Vehicle Costume Account Bind
5 [Vehicle Costume] Astral Transport Machine Vehicle Costume Account Bind
10 Lightsaber – Orb Weapon Costume Account Bind
10 Lightsaber – Katana Weapon Costume Account Bind
10 Lightsaber – Blade Weapon Costume Account Bind
10 Lightsaber – Crystal Weapon Costume Account Bind
10 Lightsaber – Greatsword Weapon Costume Account Bind
10 Lightsaber – Chakram Weapon Costume Account Bind





  • Event Period

    • August 31 to September 30, 2023 ONLY (11:59 PM ONLY)



Panic Cave (Premium)
Lava Hellfire (Premium)
Catacomb Frost (Premium)
Steamer Crazy (Premium)
Garden of Dust
Turminos Maquina
Panic Cave (Awakened)
Lava Hellfire (Awakened)
Catacomb Frost (Awakened)
Steamer Crazy (Awakened)
Hazardous Valley (Awakened)
Tower of Undead B3F (Part 2)
Illusion Castle Radiant Hall
Illusion Castle Underworld
Forgotten Temple B2F
Forbidden island
Altar of Siena B1F
Altar of Siena B2F


Receive Item

 x1 C  Anniversary Box
 x1 O 
 x1 l 
 x1 L 
 x1 I 
 x1 D 
 x1 E 
 500,000 Alz 
  • Anniversary Box Item Pool

Item Name



[Costume] Black Dragon Account Bind 3D Duration
[Costume] Black Dragon Helmet Account Bind 3D Duration
[Costume] Charming Rose Account Bind 3D Duration
[Costume] Charming Rose Face Account Bind 3D Duration
[Costume] Cherry Blossom Wing – Force Wing Account Bind 3D Duration
[Costume] Ghost Knight – Vehicle Account Bind 3D Duration
[Costume] Green Beetle – Vehicle Account Bind 3D Duration
[Costume] Noir Admiral Uniform Account Bind 3D Duration
[Costume] Noir Admiral Uniform Face Account Bind 3D Duration
[Costume] Red Beetle – Vehicle Account Bind 3D Duration
[Costume] Spring Picnic Account Bind 3D Duration
[Costume] Spring Picnic Face Account Bind 3D Duration
[Costume] Yellow Beetle – Vehicle Account Bind 3D Duration
[Force Wing Costume] Mischievous Ghost Wing Account Bind 3D Duration
[Force Wing Costume] Star Fly Wing(Blue) Account Bind 3D Duration
[Force Wing Costume] Star Fly Wing(Emerald) Account Bind 3D Duration
[Force Wing Costume] Star Fly Wing(Yellow) Account Bind 3D Duration
[Force Wing Costume] Tentacle Machine Wing Account Bind 3D Duration
[Vehicle Costume] Red Bull Account Bind 3D Duration
Arcana of Chaos +20 Account Bind 1D Duration
Arcana of Guardian +20 Account Bind 1D Duration
Arcana of Laws +20 Account Bind 1D Duration
Armor Option Scroll (High) – Critical DMG
Armor Option Scroll (Highest) – Critical DMG
Armor Option Scroll (Medium) – Critical DMG
Armor Option Scroll (Ultimate) – Critical DMG    
Astral Bike Card – Blue
Astral Bike Card – PW5
Astral Bike Card – QW7
Astral Bike Card – RW3
Bike Epic Converter Box (Lv. 2) Account Bind
Bike Epic Converter Box (Lv. 3) Account Bind
Bike Epic Converter Box (Lv. 4) Account Bind
Blessing Bead – AXP (200%) Account Bind 3D Duration / 3D Own
Blessing Bead – Force Wing EXP (200%) Account Bind 3D Duration / 3D Own
Blessing Bead – Pet EXP (200%) Account Bind 3D Duration / 3D Own
Blessing Bead – Plus Account Bind 3D Duration / 3D Own
Blessing Bead – Warehouse (No. 4) Account Bind 3D Duration / 3D Own
Blessing Bead – Warehouse (No. 5) Account Bind 3D Duration / 3D Own
Blessing Bead – Warehouse (No. 6) Account Bind 3D Duration / 3D Own
Blessing Bead – Warehouse (No. 7) Account Bind 3D Duration / 3D Own
Blessing Bead – Warehouse (No. 8) Account Bind 3D Duration / 3D Own
Blessing Bead – WEXP (200%) Account Bind 3D Duration / 3D Own
Carnelian +20 Account Bind 1D Duration
Chaos Safeguard – Amulet  
Chaos Safeguard – Arcana of Chaos  
Chaos Safeguard – Arcana of Guardian  
Chaos Safeguard – Arcana of Laws  
Chaos Safeguard – Carnelian  
Chaos Safeguard – Chaos Belt  
Chaos Safeguard – Chaos Talisman  
Chaos Safeguard – Earring  
Chaos Talisman +20 Account Bind 1D Duration
Costume Epic Converter Box Account Bind
Costume Token Fragment
Critical Ring +2
Critical Ring +3
Divine Stone Fragment Count 10
Enchant Safeguard (High)  
Enchant Safeguard (Highest)  
Enchant Safeguard (Medium)  
Enchant Safeguard (Ultimate)    
Extreme Core Pocket Normal
Extreme Core Pocket Premium
Extreme Core Pocket Rare
Force Wing Costume Epic Converter Box Account Bind
Fragment of Chaos Count 10
Megaphone Count 10
Minesta’s Chaos Fighter Belt +20 Account Bind 1D Duration
Minesta’s Chaos Guardian Belt +20 Account Bind 1D Duration
Minesta’s Chaos Sage Belt +20 Account Bind 1D Duration
Odd Circle Count 10
Perfect Core (High)
Perfect Core (Highest)
Perfect Core (Medium)
Piece of Pridus’s Bracelet Count 1
Piece of Siena’s Bracelet Count 1
Platinum Badge
Potion of Enhancement 500 6H Duration / 6H Own
Potion of Enhancement 1000 6H Duration / 6H Own
Ring of Luck +2
Ring of Luck +3
Slot Extender(High)
Slot Extender(Highest)
Upgrade Core High – Set Count 5
Upgrade Core Highest – Set Count 5
Upgrade Core Medium – Set Count 5
Upgrade Token (Chaos) +0 15D Duration
Upgrade Token (Chaos) +1 15D Duration
Upgrade Token (Chaos) +2 15D Duration
Upgrade Token (Chaos) +3 15D Duration
Upgrade Token (Chaos) +4 15D Duration
Upgrade Token (Divine) +0 15D Duration
Upgrade Token (Divine) +1 15D Duration
Upgrade Token (Divine) +2 15D Duration
Upgrade Token (Divine) +3 15D Duration
Upgrade Token (Divine) +4 15D Duration
Upgrade Token (Ultimate) +0 15D Duration
Upgrade Token (Ultimate) +1 15D Duration
Upgrade Token (Ultimate) +2 15D Duration
Upgrade Token (Ultimate) +3 15D Duration
Upgrade Token (Ultimate) +4 15D Duration
Weapon Option Scroll (High) – Critical DMG
Weapon Option Scroll (Highest) – Critical DMG
Weapon Option Scroll (Medium) – Critical DMG
Weapon Option Scroll (Ultimate) – Critical DMG


  • Event Period

    • August 31 to September 30, 2023 ONLY (11:59 PM ONLY)



Upgrade Token (Ultimate)
x10 Upgrade Core Set (Ultimate)
Upgrade Token (Chaos)
x10 Chaos Core Set
Upgrade Token (Divine)
x10 Divine Core Set







x1 Upgrade Token (Ultimate) +15
x1 Upgrade Token (Chaos) +13
x1 Upgrade Token (Divine) +13

All Skill Amp. UP+7%, Resist Skill Amp 2%

All Skill Amp. UP+7%

All Skill Amp. UP+7%

All Skill Amp. UP+7%


x1 Upgrade Token (Ultimate) +15
x1 Upgrade Token (Chaos) +15
x1 Upgrade Token (Divine) +15

All Skill Amp. UP+8%, Resist Skill Amp 3%

All Skill Amp. UP+7%

All Skill Amp. UP+7%

All Skill Amp. UP+7%

PlayPark reserves the right to change, amend, modify, suspend, continue, 
or terminate said mechanics at any given time deemed appropriate.



    • Forgotten Temple B2F (Awakened)
      • Required Level: 155
      • Max Party Members: 7
    • Entry: Rare Muster Card: Forgotten Temple B2F
      • Can be crafted via Chloe
        • 0 Amity required
        • 10,000,000 Alz to register
      • Required Materials:
        • x1 Muster Card: Forgotten Temple B1F
        • x1 Muster Card: Forgotten Temple B2F
        • x10 Raw Stone of Dimesion (can be bought via Chloe NPC)
    • Rewards:
      • Honor Points: 200,000
      • DP: 11
      • Armor/Weapon/Epaulet Max Grade Drop  – Mithril (as of Aug 31, 2023)
      • Accessories
        • Cursed Leth Tyrant’s Ring
        • Amulet of Resist +4
        • Defensive Earring +6
        • Critical Ring +3
        • Ring of Luck +4
      • Others
        • Slot Extender (Highest)
        • Slot Extender (High)
        • Bike Parts (Lv 4)
        • Mercenary Cards Leedy / Skaild / Aizahan / Elena

    • Upgrade Core & Force Core (Highest) is now unlocked
    • SIGMetal Grade Drops in Forbidden Island (Awakened) is now updated to Mithril Grades




  • Event Period

    • August 31 to September 27, 2023 ONLY (11:59 PM ONLY)
  • Rewards



  • Event Period

    • August 31 to September 30, 2023 ONLY (11:59 PM ONLY)
  • SHOP

 Required Costume Token 

Item Name

Costume Category


1 Halloween – Pumpkin Helmet Head Costume Account Bind
1 Antler Head Costume Account Bind
1 Red Nose Head Costume Account Bind
1 Winter Cap Head Costume Account Bind
1 Skeleton Mask Head Costume Account Bind
1 Sandy Dust Mask Head Costume Account Bind
1 Afro Hair Head Costume Account Bind
1 Bamboo Hat Head Costume Account Bind
1 Top Hat Head Costume Account Bind
1 Rococo Hairstyle Head Costume Account Bind
2 Santa Coat Costume Account Bind
2 Cutie Santa Coat Costume Account Bind
2 Suit of Wealthy’s Party Costume Account Bind
2 Suit of Vampire Costume Account Bind
2 Suit of Freed Costume Account Bind
2 Suit of Rin Costume Account Bind
2 Suit of Skaild Costume Account Bind
2 Suit of Mystic Blade Costume Account Bind
2 Suit of Yuan Costume Account Bind
2 Halloween Dress Costume Account Bind
2 Japanese Gala Dress Costume Account Bind
2 Chinese Gala Dress Costume Account Bind
2 Korean Gala Dress Costume Account Bind
2 Goguryeo Dress Costume Account Bind
2 Love Dad Yellow Shirt Costume Account Bind
2 Water Elemental Dress Costume Account Bind
2 Legend of Yellow Suit Costume Account Bind
2 Secret Agent Suit Costume Account Bind
2 The Sage Tower Apprentice Suit Costume Account Bind
2 Charisma Pan Costume Account Bind
3 [Force Wing Costume] Black Wing Wing Costume Account Bind
3 [Force Wing Costume] – Fairy Wing Wing Costume Account Bind
3 [Force Wing Costume] – Mechanic Wing Wing Costume Account Bind
5 [Force Wing Costume] Golden Rose Wing Wing Costume Account Bind
4 [Vehicle Costume] Santa’s Christmas Sleigh Vehicle Costume Account Bind
4 [Vehicle Costume] Flaming Bike (Red Flare) Vehicle Costume Account Bind
4 [Vehicle Costume] Flaming Bike (Blue Flare) Vehicle Costume Account Bind
5 [Vehicle Costume] Astral Transport Machine Vehicle Costume Account Bind
10 Lightsaber – Orb Weapon Costume Account Bind
10 Lightsaber – Katana Weapon Costume Account Bind
10 Lightsaber – Blade Weapon Costume Account Bind
10 Lightsaber – Crystal Weapon Costume Account Bind
10 Lightsaber – Greatsword Weapon Costume Account Bind
10 Lightsaber – Chakram Weapon Costume Account Bind





  • Event Period

    • August 31 to September 30, 2023 ONLY (11:59 PM ONLY)



Forbidden island (Awakened)
Panic Cave (Premium)
Lava Hellfire (Premium)
Catacomb Frost (Premium)
Steamer Crazy (Premium)
Illusion Castle Radiant Hall
Altar of Siena B2F
Maquinas Outpost
Forbidden island
Forgotten Temple B2F
Illusion Castle Underworld
Altar of Siena B1F
Pontus Ferrum


Receive Item

 x1 C  Anniversary Box
 x1 O 
 x1 l 
 x1 L 
 x1 I 
 x1 D 
 x1 E 
 500,000 Alz 
  • Anniversary Box Item Pool

Item Name



[Costume] Black Dragon Account Bind 3D Duration
[Costume] Black Dragon Helmet Account Bind 3D Duration
[Costume] Charming Rose Account Bind 3D Duration
[Costume] Charming Rose Face Account Bind 3D Duration
[Costume] Cherry Blossom Wing – Force Wing Account Bind 3D Duration
[Costume] Ghost Knight – Vehicle Account Bind 3D Duration
[Costume] Green Beetle – Vehicle Account Bind 3D Duration
[Costume] Noir Admiral Uniform Account Bind 3D Duration
[Costume] Noir Admiral Uniform Face Account Bind 3D Duration
[Costume] Red Beetle – Vehicle Account Bind 3D Duration
[Costume] Spring Picnic Account Bind 3D Duration
[Costume] Spring Picnic Face Account Bind 3D Duration
[Costume] Yellow Beetle – Vehicle Account Bind 3D Duration
[Force Wing Costume] Mischievous Ghost Wing Account Bind 3D Duration
[Force Wing Costume] Star Fly Wing(Blue) Account Bind 3D Duration
[Force Wing Costume] Star Fly Wing(Emerald) Account Bind 3D Duration
[Force Wing Costume] Star Fly Wing(Yellow) Account Bind 3D Duration
[Force Wing Costume] Tentacle Machine Wing Account Bind 3D Duration
[Vehicle Costume] Red Bull Account Bind 3D Duration
Arcana of Chaos +20 Account Bind 1D Duration
Arcana of Guardian +20 Account Bind 1D Duration
Arcana of Laws +20 Account Bind 1D Duration
Armor Option Scroll (High) – Critical DMG
Armor Option Scroll (Highest) – Critical DMG
Armor Option Scroll (Medium) – Critical DMG
Astral Bike Card – Blue
Astral Bike Card – PW5
Astral Bike Card – RW3
Bike Epic Converter Box (Lv. 2) Account Bind
Bike Epic Converter Box (Lv. 3) Account Bind
Bike Epic Converter Box (Lv. 4) Account Bind
Blessing Bead – AXP (200%) Account Bind 3D Duration / 3D Own
Blessing Bead – Force Wing EXP (200%) Account Bind 3D Duration / 3D Own
Blessing Bead – Pet EXP (200%) Account Bind 3D Duration / 3D Own
Blessing Bead – Plus Account Bind 3D Duration / 3D Own
Blessing Bead – Warehouse (No. 4) Account Bind 3D Duration / 3D Own
Blessing Bead – Warehouse (No. 5) Account Bind 3D Duration / 3D Own
Blessing Bead – Warehouse (No. 6) Account Bind 3D Duration / 3D Own
Blessing Bead – Warehouse (No. 7) Account Bind 3D Duration / 3D Own
Blessing Bead – Warehouse (No. 8) Account Bind 3D Duration / 3D Own
Blessing Bead – WEXP (200%) Account Bind 3D Duration / 3D Own
Carnelian +15 Account Bind 1D Duration
Chaos Talisman +10 Account Bind 1D Duration
Costume Epic Converter Box Account Bind
Costume Token Fragment
Critical Ring +2
Critical Ring +3
Divine Stone Fragment Count 10
Extreme Core Pocket Normal
Extreme Core Pocket Premium
Extreme Core Pocket Rare
Force Wing Costume Epic Converter Box Account Bind
Fragment of Chaos Count 10
Megaphone Count 10
Minesta’s Chaos Fighter Belt +15 Account Bind 1D Duration
Minesta’s Chaos Guardian Belt +15 Account Bind 1D Duration
Minesta’s Chaos Sage Belt +15 Account Bind 1D Duration
Odd Circle Count 10
Perfect Core (High)
Perfect Core (Highest)
Perfect Core (Medium)
Piece of Pridus’s Bracelet Count 1
Piece of Siena’s Bracelet Count 1
Platinum Badge
Potion of Enhancement 500 6H Duration / 6H Own
Potion of Enhancement 1000 6H Duration / 6H Own
Ring of Luck +2
Ring of Luck +3
Slot Extender(High)
Slot Extender(Highest)
Upgrade Core High – Set Count 5
Upgrade Core Highest – Set Count 5
Upgrade Core Medium – Set Count 5
Upgrade Token (Chaos) +0 15D Duration
Upgrade Token (Chaos) +1 15D Duration
Upgrade Token (Chaos) +2 15D Duration
Upgrade Token (Chaos) +3 15D Duration
Upgrade Token (Chaos) +4 15D Duration
Upgrade Token (High) +0 15D Duration
Upgrade Token (High) +1 15D Duration
Upgrade Token (High) +2 15D Duration
Upgrade Token (High) +3 15D Duration
Upgrade Token (High) +4 15D Duration
Upgrade Token (Highest) +0 15D Duration
Upgrade Token (Highest) +1 15D Duration
Upgrade Token (Highest) +2 15D Duration
Upgrade Token (Highest) +3 15D Duration
Upgrade Token (Highest) +4 15D Duration
Weapon Option Scroll (High) – Critical DMG
Weapon Option Scroll (Highest) – Critical DMG
Weapon Option Scroll (Medium) – Critical DMG



  • Event Period

    • August 31 to September 30, 2023 ONLY (11:59 PM ONLY)



Upgrade Token (High)
x10 Upgrade Core Set (High)
Upgrade Token (Highest)
x10 Upgrade Core Set (Highest)
Upgrade Token (Chaos)
x10 Chaos Core Set







x1 Upgrade Token (High) +15

x1 Upgrade Token (Highest) +13

x1 Upgrade Token (Chaos) +13

All Skill Amp. UP+7%, Resist Skill Amp 2%

All Skill Amp. UP+7%

All Skill Amp. UP+7%

All Skill Amp. UP+7%


x1 Upgrade Token (High) +15

x1 Upgrade Token (Highest) +15

x1 Upgrade Token (Chaos) +15

All Skill Amp. UP+8%, Resist Skill Amp 3%

All Skill Amp. UP+7%

All Skill Amp. UP+7%

All Skill Amp. UP+7%